미디어위키 API 도움말

이 페이지는 자동으로 생성된 미디어위키 API 도움말 문서입니다.

설명 문서 및 예시: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/API:Main_page

list=logevents (le)

(main | query | logevents)
  • 이 모듈은 read 권한을 요구합니다.
  • 출처: MediaWiki
  • 라이선스: GPL-2.0-or-later

기록에서 이벤트를 가져옵니다.


Which properties to get:

로그 이벤트의 ID를 추가합니다.
Adds the title of the page for the log event.
로그 이벤트의 유형을 추가합니다.
Adds the user responsible for the log event.
Adds the user ID who was responsible for the log event.
Adds the timestamp for the log event.
Adds the comment of the log event.
Adds the parsed comment of the log event.
Lists additional details about the log event.
Lists tags for the log event.
값 (|로 구분): comment, details, ids, parsedcomment, tags, timestamp, title, type, user, userid 또는 다른 문자열: comment, details, ids, parsedcomment, tags, timestamp, title, type, user, userid
기본값: ids|title|type|user|timestamp|comment|details

Filter log entries to only this type.

다음 값 중 하나: Can be empty, or abusefilter, abusefilterprivatedetails, block, contentmodel, create, delete, gblrights, import, interwiki, managetags, merge, move, newusers, patrol, pr_log, protect, rights, spamblacklist, suppress, tag, thanks, titleblacklist, upload 또는 다른 문자열: Can be empty, or abusefilter, abusefilterprivatedetails, block, contentmodel, create, delete, gblrights, import, interwiki, managetags, merge, move, newusers, patrol, pr_log, protect, rights, spamblacklist, suppress, tag, thanks, titleblacklist, upload

Filter log actions to only this action. Overrides letype. In the list of possible values, values with the asterisk wildcard such as action/* can have different strings after the slash (/).

다음 값 중 하나: abusefilter/create, abusefilter/hit, abusefilter/modify, abusefilterprivatedetails/access, block/block, block/reblock, block/unblock, contentmodel/change, contentmodel/new, create/create, delete/delete, delete/delete_redir, delete/event, delete/restore, delete/revision, gblrights/rights, import/interwiki, import/upload, interwiki/*, managetags/activate, managetags/create, managetags/deactivate, managetags/delete, merge/merge, move/move, move/move_redir, newusers/autocreate, newusers/byemail, newusers/create, newusers/create2, newusers/newusers, patrol/autopatrol, patrol/patrol, pr_log/*, protect/modify, protect/move_prot, protect/protect, protect/unprotect, rights/autopromote, rights/blockautopromote, rights/restoreautopromote, rights/rights, spamblacklist/*, suppress/block, suppress/delete, suppress/event, suppress/hide-afl, suppress/reblock, suppress/revision, suppress/unhide-afl, tag/update, thanks/*, titleblacklist/*, upload/overwrite, upload/revert, upload/upload 또는 다른 문자열: abusefilter/create, abusefilter/hit, abusefilter/modify, abusefilterprivatedetails/access, block/block, block/reblock, block/unblock, contentmodel/change, contentmodel/new, create/create, delete/delete, delete/delete_redir, delete/event, delete/restore, delete/revision, gblrights/rights, import/interwiki, import/upload, interwiki/*, managetags/activate, managetags/create, managetags/deactivate, managetags/delete, merge/merge, move/move, move/move_redir, newusers/autocreate, newusers/byemail, newusers/create, newusers/create2, newusers/newusers, patrol/autopatrol, patrol/patrol, pr_log/*, protect/modify, protect/move_prot, protect/protect, protect/unprotect, rights/autopromote, rights/blockautopromote, rights/restoreautopromote, rights/rights, spamblacklist/*, suppress/block, suppress/delete, suppress/event, suppress/hide-afl, suppress/reblock, suppress/revision, suppress/unhide-afl, tag/update, thanks/*, titleblacklist/*, upload/overwrite, upload/revert, upload/upload

The timestamp to start enumerating from.

유형: 타임스탬프 (허용되는 포맷)

The timestamp to end enumerating.

유형: 타임스탬프 (허용되는 포맷)

In which direction to enumerate:

List oldest first. Note: lestart has to be before leend.
List newest first (default). Note: lestart has to be later than leend.
다음 값 중 하나: newer, older 또는 다른 문자열: newer, older
기본값: older

Filter entries to those made by the given user.

형태: 사용자 이름, IP, 인터위키 이름 (예: "prefix>ExampleName"), 사용자 ID (예: "#12345") 모두에 따른 사용자

Filter entries to those related to a page.


Filter entries to those in the given namespace.

다음 값 중 하나: -1, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 828, 829, 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303 또는 다른 문자열: -1, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 828, 829, 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303

Disabled due to miser mode.


Only list event entries tagged with this tag.


How many total event entries to return.

유형: 정수 또는 max
값은 1와 500 사이여야 합니다.
기본값: 10

더 많은 결과를 이용할 수 있을 때, 계속하려면 이것을 사용하십시오.